We rent, so it’s refreshing to know we’re not alone: these two blogs make us feel better about not having put down an impossible down payment with an interest-only loan: Priced Out Forever and Seattle Bubble. The PG-rated version of 300.
Ellie sawin’ logs
Rockford Files
My friend Jeff from Rockford, IL, visits Seattle for the first time, and meets Ellie.
Snow tennis!
It’s a jersey, anyway
Super Bowl Sunday! We watched the game, but didn’t have a Seahawks jersey, and our friends Krista and Ryan were kind enough to send her something sporty, sooooo…
Ellie’s first Christmas
Pictures of Ellie trying to eat pumpkin pie brulee.
The first casualty with a Nintendo Wii from Japan: a nice shiner on this television.
Photos of Ellie in her Halloween costume, a few days late as she was under the weather on Halloween — next year, we trick-or-treat twice.
Ellie’s naming ceremony
Photos of Ellie’s naming ceremony to formally welcome her to friends, family and community!
Fishing Trip off Shilshole
Pictures from the fishing trip to Shilshole to welcome Tracy’s father, David, and to celebrate Daron’s 40th birthday!
Short video clips of fishing trip: