The drive to LA – beautiful, actually. I never realized the road to Southern California was so flat, although I passed a cattle ranch that had thousands of cattle and no grass. Maybe it was one of those cattle processing farms that I read about in “Fast Food Nation” or saw on Frontline. I saw two Hummer H2s. I’m most definitely not in San Francisco anymore. I meet my cousin Diana and her husband Peter at their place in Santa Monica. We go to a restaurant, and then Diana and I head over to a bar called “The Brig”. It’s a dive bar redone in LA fashion. The women are really skinny, and evidence of cosmetic surgery seems abundant.
Charlotte, NC
Photos from trip to visit Grandpa, Uncle Bill, Aunt Judy and Keith in Charlotte, NC.
The Jeannette and Mortie dance!
San Diego
Travis and Jen’s wedding
Ann Richards
England and Scotland
Photos from a two-week trip to England and Scotland, replete with sheep and my friend Mary!
Jerry, Jerry Orbach
One of my friends knows someone at NBC, and showed this wedding photo to Jerry Orbach of Law and Order. The uncanny resemblance that my stepfather (second from left) has to the actor prompted this signature below.
Law and Order’s Jerry Orbach page.
From left to right: Mortie, Jerry, unknown and Travis