Photos from one of the coolest weddings I’ve ever been to. Congratulations!
Ooster! Ooster! Dam dam dam!
Pictures from our Vancouver to Seattle cruise to celebrate Jillian’s 30th birthday!
Point Break LIVE!
With Hillary Clinton selling her millionth copy of “Living History“, Tucker Carlson owed up respectfully to his bet to eat his shoe. The shoe was delivered by Clinton herself on Wednesday’s episode of Crossfire, in the form of a shoe-shaped cake.
You’ve seen the movie, now see POINT BREAK… LIVE!
Why the question mark? “There will be a different person playing the Keanu Reeves/Johnny Utah character each night. That’s right, 8 different Keanus! Man or woman can win, but each night it’s gonna be somebody else! The contestants will be selected at the Capitol Hill Block Party on Saturday the 12th.”
Worldcom was fined $750 million by the SEC. Bernie Ebbers remains uncharged.
Stephen Hawking says the dance moves of Tiger, a stripper, were wonderful.
Clark Humphrey’s MiscMedia has a great photo of an accessory for the Hummer.
Inspired by Darpa’s Total (now Terrorist) Information Awareness project, someone has created an open-source Government Information Awareness program.
Potlucks for Peace? Meh.
The Seattle Times front page headline says, “US Commanders willing to pay ‘very high price’ to take Baghdad”. Of course, none of their sons and daughters lives are on the line – not only had the diplomacy been a failure, the war plan seems to be heading in that direction, too.My friend Jillian’s in town for a couple of days with her friend Carrie from New York. I met three people who are moving to NYC in a few weeks. When I asked them why, they said “Seattle has a populace that’s hard to get excited. There’s so much apathy and complacency.” While he’s right about the first part, I strongly disagree with the rest. We had WTO, and although most of the protestors were imported, it set the stage for a mostly-peaceful protest environment.
A local writer, Clark Humphrey, opines: “Around here we don’t have to escalate Bush-bashing protests into disruptive confrontations, because we’d rather try to send a more positive message out to the world.”
He might be right, but it seems that having “potlucks for peace” is too passive a stance to take with a world at war.
New Year’s Eve
If ever this was the way to start a new year, the Wild Kingdom Rhumba V was the way to do it, in Portland, Oregon. On the way from Seattle, I stopped at a coffeehouse in Olympia and had my farewell coffee, one of my resolutions for the year. I met my friend Jillian in the distant Portland suburb of Tigard, where her and her brother live.New Year’s Eve was spent at the Tiffany Center, a five story building with two two-story grand ballrooms. Everyone was dressed well, including me and Jillian – it felt like going to a ball, something I’ve never done – and the lower ballroom was set up for a live band and – karaoke! We signed up: I sang a classic Diamond tune: “Brother Love’s Traveling Salvation Show”, Jillian sang “Blister in the Sun”. Everyone was dancing, and when we later went up to the upper ballroom to see Pink Martini, we had the chance to rhumba, salsa and meringue to Latin beats. Tonight I start with a clean slate.