Our next door neighbors’ daughter and her friend got to work on Ellie and Nola. Voila! Photo by Valerie Vozza.
Mariners v White Sox
We left after scoreless 9 innings — and when we got home and tucked the kids in, I figured I’d see what the score was — but it was still on! The Mariners pulled it out 1-0 in the bottom of the 14th, after Griffey hit to right field, bringing the man on second home. Photos by Tracy.
And birthday wishes to Mom, who would have been 67 today. I miss you.
Ella ella ella eh eh eh
Ellie takes a break from the sun with our pilfered umbrella.
Nola’s 2nd birthday, part II
Pictures from Nola’s second party — food provided by the best personal chef ever, Daron Wiemeyer — check out his website here.