The new unreleased Neil Diamond single?
No, our cherub’s gender! We’s havin’ a girl somewhere around 2 January 2006:
Mortie, Mortie: He's no shorty, Mortie.
The new unreleased Neil Diamond single?
No, our cherub’s gender! We’s havin’ a girl somewhere around 2 January 2006:
The senate vows to ban tasty kobe beef, because Japan doesn’t want our mad-cow infested beef. In a beef promotion move, Japan’s neighbor China offers Clinton and Lewinsky condoms.
I found these two photos somewhere on (a site whose purpose I know not what it’s about). A powerful use of Photoshop:
Charts at artwork. For the Tufte-inspired, History Shots.
“I think I may need a bathroom break? Is this possible?”
On this fourth anniversary of rememberance of September 11th, it reminds me how, as Americans, we had a real chance to prove ourselves, supplemented with the strength and understanding of our friends and allies. Sadly, we face the opposite situation today… summed up in this Skynews capture from Wonkette:
Well, so there’s a little bit of victoria, but mostly a pregnant Tracy, voted best-looking pregnant woman, ever. By me, and three formerly pregnant women she’s met! And that counts.