Translators needed!

Translator Registration
Please complete the form below.

Personal Information

Gender: Mr. Mrs. Ms.

First Name: Last Name: Company Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Country:

Phone Numbers and E-Mail

Home Phone: Work Phone: Fax: Modem: E-Mail:


Language(Your Primary Language Only):
Native:Yes No

Field of Expertise

Please select the one field in which you feel most confident translating.

Interpretation and Narration

If you have skills in interpretation or voice talent, please select the one category in which you feel most confident.


American Translators Association: Yes No
Dept of Health/Social Services: Yes No
Court: Yes No

Other Certifications and Affilitaions:

Rates and Discounts

Translation Editing per word (in cents) per word (in cents) per hour (in dollars) per hour (in dollars) per page (in dollars) per page (in dollars) Do you offer a discount for large jobs? Yes No
What is your rate per word for jobs over: 5,000 words (in cents) 10,000 words (in cents) 20,000 words (in cents)

Other information

Please use the area below to include any other information: (4 lines maximum)

When you are sure all of the above information is correct, press Submit Info.
If you would like to start over, press Clear Form.

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