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C I T I Z E N  V A G R O M



P A S T  I S S U E S
1998 | 1997 | 1996

december 1997
Citizen Vagrom's micro-media offering this month includes guerilla video footage of Earth First activists as they take-over the student center MCDONALDS (in protest of Mickey D's food service monopoly and other gastro-intestinal crimes). And from Los Angeles, high school video students grill local TV news "professionals" for squeezing a whole 48 seconds of actual community news into a 30 minute newscast.

Direct Action Media Network
See McDonald's campus food service monopoly challenged by Earth First! activists as they take over the building.

Non-Corporate Newswire
Nike fails to improve working conditions in its Viet Nam factory, Free Radio Berkeley beats the FCC in Federal Court, Microsoft intensifies Cyber-Imperialism, and Fast Track legislation slides through the fingers of Big Media Cheerleaders.

See how ComaCulture(TM), an info-mercial parody by Stephen Statler, can turn your shoddy existence into a money making ticket to dreamland.

Watch Los Angeles high school students grill local TV news "professionals" for providing 48 seconds of actual community news in their 30 minute evening newscasts.

Red Squad
See performance artist Scott Noegel trump the Media War Drumbeat, with cameos by George Bush, Saddam Hussein, Ronald Reagan, and the Military Industrial Complex in this hypnotic psycho-video montage by Alien Farm.




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