1998 | 1997
| 1996
november 1996
Vagrom's November '96 issue features quality non-corporate visual

Michael Moore Visits Seattle
See this acclaimed film maker
(Roger and Me; TV Nation) prank Nordstrom's by awarding them the
"corporate Welfare Mom of the Year" honors in Westlake Center.
Local film maker Mark Simon depicts
the trappings of traffic and social interactions in a black and
white urban seting. Comedy.
I am TV
Las Vegas style rendering of
a smarmy lounge singer trapped in a narcissistic purgatory. By Allan
Deface the Nation
Jeff Pearson gets off some long
awaited "I told you so's" on the CIA-crack connection, and a not
so funny look at the burgeoning growth of private sector prison
DTN All You Can Stomach
How to make a good meal on a
very low budget; politics thrown in for spice.