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C I T I Z E N  V A G R O M



P A S T  I S S U E S
1998 | 1997 | 1996

july 1997
Citizen Vagrom's July issue documents the formation of an independent media alliance between community and activist groups in New York City.

The New York Free Media Alliance formed at "Freeing the Local Media": Citizen Vagrom, invited to fly out and speak on organizing efforts in Seattle, documents the proceedings.
Citizen Vagrom, invited to fly out and speak on organizing efforts in Seattle, is drafted to facilitate the conference.

Steal This Radio
A spotlight on a pirate radio enterprise in Manhattan's Lower East Side (88.7 FM).

Spoken Word for Mumia
An original spoken word performance by "Shank" concerning the case of Mumia Abu Jamal, who sits on death row.

Free Waves, FAIR
Highlights from the hugely successful closing night bash for Satelllites '97: Free (our public air-) Waves, and a talk with Steve Rendall, senior analyst for Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (F.A.I.R.), the media watch group.




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Citizen Vagrom
0000 East Madison
Seattle WA 00000
206 000 0000

We are a member of the Seattle Independent Media Coalition