Welcome to
C I T I Z E N  V A G R O M



P A S T  I S S U E S
1998 | 1997 | 1996

march 1997
"I am a gay white man looking for the same for some roughhouse."
-- Hammer (aka Timmy, played by Susan McNalley)

Mardi Gras 'Ala Bourbon Street Brothel Experiment'. Vagrom's Spring Issue, set at Sit & Spin's MARDI GRAS 'ALA BOURBON STREET BROTHEL EXPERIMENT', features two Sexual Role Reversal short films by local film maker Susan McNalley: ABU, and LOOKING FOR A MAN. Also, renowned Film Critic Ray Carney helps open Wiggly World and the Northwest Film Forum at the Grand Illusion.

Media Watch
Vagrom cameras ask witnesses what was missing from the establishment-sided news coverage of the recent altercation between "rogue" bicyclists and the tackling officer from the Seattle Police Department.

Independent Press:
CHANNEL ZERO's Planet Street presents Social/Media critic NEIL POSTMAN (author of Amusing Ourselves to Death) on media and culture; Deface The Nation on the World Trade Organization's censorship of Dolphin-free Tuna Labeling; Indie Press Headlines on Business vs. Labor state campaign spending, per-minute local phone rates, Corporate Piracy in so-called Welfare Reform, and more.




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Citizen Vagrom
0000 East Madison
Seattle WA 00000
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We are a member of the Seattle Independent Media Coalition