Welcome to
C I T I Z E N  V A G R O M



8pm sundays
on community tv
channel 29

See 'this issue' for detailsAir Date:
Channel 29
Every Sunday
8 pm

Free video rental
throughout Seattle

Call 206 344-6434 for showtimes and locations


videoZine on demand
Service Since 1994

Citizen Vagrom is a grassroots response to corporate-dominated media. Vagrom's purpose is to generate public debate on the subject of media and its impact on Democracy, and to build alternatives to profit-driven communications.


 [about  us]
 [this issue]
 [past issues]
 [errol's fable]


Citizen Vagrom
0000 East Madison
Seattle WA 00000
206 000 0000

We are a member of the Seattle Independent Media Coalition